Welcome to the International Computer Game Collection

The International Computer Game Collection (Internationale Computerspielesammlung) is a project launched in collaboration with our partners, the Computer Game Museum (Computerspielemuseum), the German Entertainment Software Self-Regulation Body (Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle – USK), the Association for promotion of youth and social work (fjs e.v.) game – the German Games Industry Association and the Foundation for Digital Games Culture (Stiftung Digitale Spielekultur), in 2017, with the objective of creating the world’s biggest collection of video and computer games.

By combining the software collections held by the Computer Game Museum, fjs e.V. and USK with the archive of the German Computer Games Awards (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) in a two-stage process, we are creating one of the world’s most extensive and important collections, bringing together over 58,000 computer and video games.


Computer Game Museum

In 1997, the Computer Game Museum (Computerspielemuseum) opened the world’s first permanent exhibition of interactive digital entertainment in Berlin. Since this time, it has addressed the medium’s development in more than 30 national and international exhibitions.

Since 2011, its new permanent exhibition entitled ‘Computer games. Evolution of a medium’ (Computerspiele. Evolution eines Mediums) has created a unique environment where over 120,000 visitors annually can play games and experiment as they experience the cultural history of games.

In addition, special exhibitions are held on a regular basis that give detailed insights into a wide range of gaming topics.

Förderverein für Jugend und Sozialarbeit e.V.

The Association for the Promotion of Youth and Social Work, as a recognised independent youth welfare in accordance with its statutes for a stable development of those programmes and forms of work that enable children and young people to develop their creative abilities and social to develop their creative abilities and social skills and thus to create good and worthwhile development prospects in society. With this in mind, one of the central aims of fjs e.V. is to promote the competent with technical innovations and in particular with the new electronic media media among adolescents. Here, the fjs e.V. sees an important task of supporting and empowering the adults who accompany children and young people.

Utilising the educational potential of new media and effective youth protection in the age of the globally networked children's room also depend on the media competence of the adult reference partners: children and young people in families, youth centres and schools. This is why the fjs e.V., with its training and youth protection programmes, fjs e.V. also supports adults who want to be such competent who want to be such competent counsellors. The target groups for this training are in particular social pedagogues in the field of early childhood education and pedagogues from the school sector. The fjs e.V. supports the voluntary social engagement of children, young people and adults with its neighbourhood work in Hellersdorf and Potsdam and also promotes it as part of the training offered by its Academy for Volunteering and the Agency for Quality in Voluntary Services.

Foundation for Digital Games Culture

The Foundation for Digital Games Culture (Stiftung Digitale Spielekultur) has been promoting the cultural, social, technological and economic possibilities offered by games since 2012.

The non-profit organisation is an initiative of the German Bundestag and the German games industry and is active throughout Germany. Partners from the worlds of culture, society, government, academia, youth protection and education participate in projects and collaborations overseen by the foundation that focus on three key areas: education, culture and research.

The Foundation for Digital Games Culture’s shareholder is game – The German Games Industry Association. The foundation carries out its targeted, independent and transparent work through a council whose members are drawn from the fields of policymaking, education, academia, civil society and culture. The object of the Berlin-based foundation is to increase the acceptance and relevance of games in society while at the same time fostering and moderating a critical discussion of this topic.

game – the German Games Industry Association

We are the association of the German games industry. Our members include developers, publishers and many other games industry actors such as esports event organisers, educational establishments and service providers. As a joint organiser of gamescom, we are responsible for the world’s biggest event for computer and video games. We are a partner of the USK and the Foundation for Digital Games Culture, as well as a sponsor of the German Computer Games Awards. As an expert partner for media and for political and social institutions, we answer all questions relating to market development, games culture and media literacy. Our games enrich the lives of everyone, and that is why we have made it our mission to make Germany the best games location.

USK (Entertainment Software Self-Regulation Body)

The USK (Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle) is a self-regulating organisation that is responsible for rating and classifying computer games in Germany. The USK is officially recognised both under the Protection of Young Persons Act (JuSchG) and for online areas under the Interstate Treaty on the Protection of Minors from Harmful Media (JMStV) as the organisation responsible for the games industry’s efforts to govern its own content. Within the framework of the Protection of Young Persons Act, the assessment process concludes with the assignment of an age rating by a government official. The USK also assigns age ratings for online games and apps within the framework of the International Age Rating Coalition (IARC). Countless companies have become members of the USK to foster close, long-term cooperation for the protection of young persons.
